Amaranth, Quinoa & Buckwheat – the Breakfast challenge

Amaranth Flowers

Does anyone have a good recipe for cooking amaranth for breakfast?  We tried this morning and it was a bit like eating tiny ball bearings.  Even soaking it over night didn’t change the texture much. We also tried popping it (as suggested on the packet), which resulted in tiny puffed flecks, like bits of dust.  It is supposed to be a fabulous source of protein and amino acids. I just need a way to make it palatable.  Tomorrow I am moving on to quinoa flakes and  buckwheat flakes (kasha).  Recipes for mum (she is 82) need to be quick (35 minutes of stirring is a definite no no), no fuss and no dairy, gluten or sugar (not even honey, rice syrup, maple syrup or agave).


8 Comments Add yours

  1. phil says:

    Hi Lucy! I’ve not had a lotta luck with amaranth either. Just got a thick granular paste out of it. Popping is a novelty, but doesn’t do much for taste. I was wondering what it would be like if you tried sprouting it first? I imagine it would soften it and bring out the natural sugars. you’d have to experiment with the preparing after that.
    Sure love following your posts!


    1. Thanks Phil, glad I’m not the only disappointed with amaranth. mum won’t have the patience for sprouting (and I’ve yet to try it). am soaking some buckwheat flakes in almond milk for tomorrow..


  2. Angelika says:

    You can make Tabbouleh salad out of bulgur, quinoa and buckwheat grains. It’s very delicious and healthy. The main ingredients for a Tabbouleh salad besides the grains are parsley, tomato and cucumber.


    1. sounds yummy. will try it. any thoughts on breakfast.


  3. Katy Keck says:

    I was in Costa Rica and had gallo pinto every day for breakfast. Rice and Beans – and they serve it with a local sauce, the way we would add hot sauce. I felt great – with all the fiber and complex carbs and protein – but I don’t really like rice. So when I got home I started making it with quinoa or red quinoa or other healthier grains. Add scallions, some spices. I don’t mind savory for breakfast though. I also make a couple days worth and just zap it each morning.


    1. love beans and rice. might be a hard sell for breakfast though…


  4. Hi there, just came across this post so I thought I’d share my recipe for Blueberry Amaranth Porridge just in case you might like to try it out:

    I did top it with brown rice syrup, but that’s optional. I also like it without.

    You may also want to try buying pre-popped amaranth. I use them to make granola bars. Here’s the link:

    I happen to love Amaranth though and hope that one of these recipes will work for you.

    Good luck!
    Nissrine 🙂


  5. looks delicious. what a great site. any ideas for how to make them without oats? Lucie


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